
Our workshops in the “CorrelCompact” series are aimed at a broad audience from civil society and are open to anyone who is interested in the topic. The focus is particularly on the exchange between committed people, regardless of whether they work full-time or on a voluntary basis.

Previous workshops:

  • Sep 24th, 2024: Der EU AI Act

  • Oct 8th, 2024: So lügt man mit Statistik

  • Oct 22nd, 2024: KI-Kickstart - Grundlagen und Chancen für Non-Profits

  • Nov 5th, 2024: Mission Datenqualität - vom Rohmaterial zum Datengold

  • Nov 19th, 2024: Data Storytelling - Daten sprechen lassen!

  • Dec 3rd, 2024: Diskriminierung durch Daten und Algorithmen

Last updated

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