
Our main communication channel is Slack. Slack is like a collection of WhatsApp group chats but better - including better file sharing and most important: custom emojis and a very good giphy integration for all kinds of shenanigans. 😉

We use Slack for to coordinate the local chapters as well as for the organization of the activities of "central" CorrelAid, e.g. the organization of projects, meetups, etc. For example:

  • During the week, we work on the different CorrelAid topics in the channels. Channels are either designated to a certain topic (e.g. #projects for projects, #education for eductation, #fundraising for collaborating on grant proposals) or are focused on local chapters (#lc-bremen, #lc-berlin, #lc-mannheim, ...). If you are interested in a certain topic and/or local chapter, you can join the corresponding channel(s) to see what's already going on. Or even better: share your ideas!

  • If you need help with anything related to CorrelAid or data science or coding, feel free to ask away in the** #help **channel.

  • found a funny Meme or Gif and need to share with someone? Stumbled across a very useful tutorial for something? Post it to #random!

  • Have a new idea that doesn't fit in any channel? Need people to join you for something exciting? Post it in #general!

It's really easy to lose track of things in Slack and the core team cannot read everything that's going on. So if you've been working on some great idea / project, please update the core team from time to time - either through a direct message to someone from the core team or a post in #general or another more populated channel!


I want to get access to Slack. How do I get it?

If you want to become part of our Slack, drop an email to our community manager If you are already member of our Slack and would like to see your friend become part of the team, you can also request an invite from within Slack.

I dont really get this Slack thing? Who can help me?

Don't really get Slack yet? It's all weird and clunky? Write a direct message to our community manager they'll help you!

Last updated

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